Monday, February 7, 2011

JFK (pt. 4)

Its also Important to note that throughout this time, suspicious “Oswalds” began popping up engaging in strange behavior. Here is a partial list of what appears to be a primary tool of the “sheep dipping” the intelligence community engaged in: 
  • Several mundane Oswald/ Oswald family  sightings when he appears to be doing what he is normally doing- looking for a job while he should be elsewhere. Notably one in which he gets a haircut in Jackson Louisiana, asks the barber for a job, and the barber says the mental hospital is hiring. Oswald was taken to  this town by Shaw. Garrison theorizes that perhaps the plan was to dupe Oswald- some errant behavior and worker becomes patient, patient escapes and kills JFK. Oswald never ended up taking the Job.
  • A controversial theory that a Harvey Oswald of Russia is the Oswald that returned from the USSR in 1962 with the mission of killing Kennedy.
  • The top row shown above is the “American” Oswald, the bottom, the allegedly “Russian” Oswald. This theory, though interesting, is highly disputed even in conspiracy circles. (Armstrong)
    • The FBI commented on the possibility of Oswald imposters before the assassination: "Since there is a possibility that an imposter is using Oswald's birth certificate, any current information the Department of State may have concerning subject will be appreciated." - J. Edgar Hoover memo to State Department, 6/3/60
    • Two men representing “Friends of  Democratic Cuba” attempted to purchase vehicles using the name Oswald, likely for the bay of pigs invasion at a ford dealership in 1961. Oswald was in the USSR at this time. (Garrison 56)
    • The notorious events in Mexico city, where Oswald allegedly attempted to retain visas to Cuba and the USSR, brandished a pistol and threatened several, including the life of JFK is validated by this photo of a man the government claims to be Lee Harvey Oswald  (Below) Meanwhile the testimony of Sylvia Odio to the Warren Commission who claims she met Oswald when he should have been in Mexico City. He was with Cuban exiles and discussing plotting the death of the president.
    • Several violent or erratic Oswalds  at shooting ranges, car dealerships, and other places in Dallas and Louisiana.
    • Dial Ryder claims to have put a scope on a mauser rifle for a man claiming to be Oswald. Oswald apparently drove to Ryder. Although Oswald did not drive, and did not own a mauser rifle, he allegedly owned a manlicher-carcano. However, a mauser was found in the texas School book depository- it vanished. (The preceeding information is derived from a variety of sources, notably class and a website, the JFK lancer)
    • These are just some of many Oswald sightings. Either Lee Harvey Oswald could be several places at once, or there are just too many Oswalds.

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